Artificial Flowers Arrangements

Have you every been out and about somewhere and seen beautiful silk floral arrangements and thought to yourself, wow that is nice I would love to have one of those that in my home? Well the idea does not have to seem inconceivable. Make a mental note of the flowers and the colors, how many flowers were used and also the length of the stems. Also note what fillers were used and the shape and size of the vase or container.

Armed with your list of materials your first stop would be your local craft store. Just browsing through their enormous supply of artificial silk flowers, you will most likely to find all the necessary materials needed to make a replica of the silk floral arrangement you so recently admired.

Once you are at home, you can lay out all your supplies and start creating your own masterpiece. However if you are not feeling full of confidence and feel the need for some guidance, a good place to go for a quick tutorial is on YouTube. There are literally hundreds of very short two, three, four and five minute videos giving step by step instructions of how to assemble silk floral arrangements. There are tutorials on how to make silk centerpieces, silk wedding bouquets, artificial wreaths for thanksgiving, and valentine flowers.

Books are another source of instruction with detailed step by step instructions and photographs of how to make exquisite silk floral arrangements. Amazon have a nice selection of suitable books. These books need not be expensive, I have picked up some absolute bargains by buying the used editions.

Your first floral project could be so enjoyable and as a result you might want to expand your knowledge and learn more about flower arrangements. Courses are always available through your large craft stores and your local college.

Do not limit yourself, use your imagination and you will feel a huge sense of accomplishment once you have completed your first silk floral arrangement.